What's a prince to do?
A Prince Among Princes by G.R. Richards
The Association of Gay Princes' annual conference is always dull as dry toast, apart from the opportunity to bed handsome waiters.
Prince Julian has decided to forgo the serving staff this year. The hunt is beginning to seem rather silly to him now. He's ready for a real partnership with a like-minded royal... and if that royal happens to be as gorgeous as honey-haired Prince Chase of the Coast, so much the better!
But who is this handsome Prince Chase, and why has Julian never seen him before?
7 sentences from A Prince Among Princes:
The dinners were rather pedestrian, all things considered, but Julian attended the Association of Gay Princes’ convention every year. Cocktails were equally uninspired, despite having been devised for the gathering. The “Prince’s Ransom” seemed to be nothing more than a Slippery Nipple topped with edible gold dust.
Julian’s precise sentiment in regards to the drink could be expressed in one word: YAWN!
Still, one must show one’s face at such events or risk being thrown out of the club. And without the club, to whom would Julian turn when he met the man of his dreams and wished to wed? Certainly mumsy and the commander would oppose a marriage union between men.
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